Previous Trainings & Events
OCTOBER 28, 2022
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
EFIT Challenges: An exploration of the model
ICEEFT Certified Emotionally Focused Therapy Trainer, Supervisor, and Therapist
Presentation on different aspects of EFIT, with video examples. Discussion to follow providing an opportunity for Q & A about your stuck places in EFIT.
April 29, 2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm via zoom
OK, Context Is a Thing: Now What? The Power of Naming the System's Moves in EFT
Nalini Calamur, LMFT & Jay M. Seiff-Haron, Psy.D.
Sue Johnson has said that EFT is what would have happened if Sal Minuchin and Carl Rogers sat down with John Bowlby for tea. We wondered how EFT might have developed from the start if Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Lillian Comas-Diáz, Thich Nhat Hanh, Carolyn Attneave, Bell Hooks, and others also been invited to tea.
In EFT, we strive to meet our clients where they are by attuning with nuanced attention. And yet so much of the encouragement in our community to date about oppression has been "to just bring it up", which is not very nuanced. Maybe we withdraw from doing so when we sense that this very lack of nuance might injure people; maybe we pursue with our model as currently taught when we miss important signposts to people's experiences. Please join us for an exploration of how a few of our foundational EFT skills can help us better attune to more of our clients' lives. We will explore how context sparks negative (or positive) cycles as partners navigate groups, systems, and the (often-traumatizing) power dynamics that are intrinsically part of human systems.
March 11, 2022
11:00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom
Working with Slippery Clients: Elusive Blocks
James L. Hawkins II, PhD., LPC
Certified EFT Therapist/Supervisor/Trainer, Clinical Coordinator at The Joshua Center, Director of Healing Conversations
Friday, November 5th, 2021
10:00 am - 1:00 PM MST
Can you see me? An invitation to dialogue for therapists working with clients who differ from them.
Jila Behnad, LMFT
Certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor; CEO and Founder of Raha Foundation; Director of Iranian EFT Community; Adjunct Faculty at Palo Alto University
This workshop uses story-telling, experiential exercises, videos, small group exploration and large group discussion to explore themes of racism, prejudice, privilege and fear as they pertain to the therapy setting. Join us for a deep reflection and discussion in a safe atmosphere to explore the parts of us that have previously been too risky to explore.
-Identify our own "blind spots" and defensiveness with certain clients.
-Explore the origins of these beliefs and behaviors.
-Unpack our ingrained responses, and begin to imagine new ways of being with others who are different from ourselves.
-Find our "inner immigrant" and learn to tune in to the losses and experiences of clients who have immigrated to our home country.
-Become more attuned to generational trauma, learn to identify and address it earlier in treatment.
-Develop new ways of being more authentic with clients who are different from us.
BCEFT Summer Social | Held Sunday, September 12th
4/23/21: EFFT with Kathryn de Bruin (online training)
10/16/20-10/17/20: Lisa Palmer Olsen & Jim Furrow: Healing Broken Bonds. Online training.
11/13: Jim Thomas 2 hour Workshop on EFT Certification, 12 -2pm